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Ancestral Lands


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    Restoring Connection to the Land


    Indigenous trail crews empower the next generation of environmental stewards

    Source: Western Confluence magazine

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    ALCC Acoma awarded the Heart of the Land Award for Outstanding Leadership in Farming and Ranching award


    Today on 01/25/2024 the ALCC Acoma program were awarded the Heart of the Land Award for Outstanding Leadership in Farming and Ranching award. The Acoma office’s work on their growing Traditional Farm Corps have focused on restoring local food systems through agriculture, seed, rematriation, & learning traditional knowledge that come from planting.

    Source: Farm to Table New Mexico

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  • Img 8215

    National Park Foundation Invests $5 Million in Service Corps Programs

    Press Release

    Young Leaders Will Help Parks Become Climate Resilient and Engage Local Indigenous and Tribal Communities.

    Source: National Park Foundation

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    First Voices - Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps Crew 663


    Grand Canyon Conservancy & Grand Canyon North Rim staff sat down with Crew 663 out of Zuni, New Mexico to talk about the work that they had completed on the North Rim.

    Take a moment to learn about their connections to Grand Canyon, to learn about their culture & heritage, and what motivates them in their work and daily lives.

    Source: National Park Service

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  • Arden Wyaco El Morro Field 1

    Reconnecting indigenous youth their Land


    Across the Zuni Mountains landscape, ALCC is cultivating the next generation of local land stewards. In what is now known as El Morro National Monument, ALCC crews have spearheaded the Headland Trail project which consists of removing the existing asphalt trail and replacing it with “Sta-Lok” material, which is a paving material made of decomposed granite and crushed stone. The project also includes masonry work, such as foundation setting for trail curbing and retaining walls. This project will increase accessibility for visitors while creating a natural look.

    Source: Zuni Mountain Collaborative

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  • 622 Abqbio Park Sm23 A Crew C

    Interior Department Announces First Indian Youth Service Corps Grant Awards

    Press Release

    WASHINGTON — The Department of the Interior today announced nearly $3.5 million in 2023 Indian Youth Service Corps (IYSC) grants to eight projects involving more than 20 Tribes and Tribal organizations. These are the first awards for the IYSC, established by Secretary Deb Haaland as a partner-based program designed to provide Indigenous youth with meaningful, Tribally led public service opportunities to support the conservation and protection of natural and cultural resources through construction, restoration, or rehabilitation of natural, cultural, historic, archaeological, recreational or scenic resources. Participants will receive a mix of work experience, basic and life skills, education, training and mentoring.

    Source: U.S. Department of the Interior

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    A new generation preserves tribal land and culture in America’s national parks


    Here in Yosemite National Park, the Yosemite Ancestral Stewards program is an attempt to introduce a new generation of the original caretakers to the land, while creating pathways to employment and career opportunities for Indigenous youth.

    Source: Apple Newsroom

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  • Ancestral Lands Corp Crews Tuzigoot 4 Montezuma 08023 Vs Web T715

    Ancestral Lands Corps stabilize Montezuma Castle, Tuzigoot


    An Ancestral Lands Conservation Corp crew was doing stabilization work on the Tuzigoot National Monuments on Monday, July 31, 2023.

    Source: The Verde Valley Independent & Camp Verde Bugle

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    What politicians could learn from the young people thinning Arizona's forests


    A project called Wood for Life found a way to protect Arizona forests while improving life for the Native American communities that surround them.

    Source: azcentral.

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  • Npca Zuni Crew Bears Ears

    Heinrich, Cassidy: Senate Passes Bipartisan Resolution Designating June 16 as National Service and Conservation Corps Day

    WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Vice Chair of the National Service Congressional Caucus and the first AmeriCorps alum to serve in the United States Senate, and Bill Cassidy (R-N.D.), Co-Chair of the National Service Congressional Caucus, announced that the U.S. Senate has passed a bipartisan resolution to designate June 16, 2023, as National Service and Conservation Corps Day. Cosponsors of the resolution include U.S. Senators Chris Coons (D-Del.), Co-Chair of the National Service Congressional Caucus, Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Vice Chair of the National Service Congressional Caucus, and John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.).

    Source: From the Press Office of Martin Heinrich

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