About Us
The Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps (ALCC) is rooted in the culture and heritage of local tribal communities. The power and impact of our corps is due to the community investment and support for each program tribally and locally, combined with the network of operational support from Conservation Legacy.
Who we are
Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps (ALCC) is a corps program based out offices in Acoma Pueblo, Navajo Nation, Zuni Pueblo, Hopi-Kykotsmovi, and Albuquerque. ALCC originally began in 2008 at Pueblo of Acoma, NM as a program model nestled in Southwest Conservation Corps, another program of Conservation Legacy.
Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps established itself as its own corps in 2021. Our program strives to cultivate a new generation of local land stewards. We partner with tribal communities and land managers to accomplish impactful and lasting conservation service projects. ALCC works to build and support sustainable public access, historical interpretation and ecological health. Crews and interns have being working on projects from historical preservation, traditional agriculture, chainsaw crews, hiking clubs, stream restoration, fencing, trail construction, and more. ALCC also aims to incorporate traditional culture and language as part of crew lifestyle and project work.
National Non-profit
Ancestral Lands Conservation Corps is a program of Conservation Legacy. Conservation Legacy is a national organization that cultivates local action to produce enduring widespread impact in communities, ecosystems and people. Find out more about Conservation Legacy, or our programs across the country.